As an engineer, I've realized that technical skills aren't enough ...

Engaging with coaching during a challenging project and personal struggles was a turning point. The stress was overwhelming, but coaching provided the tools to navigate it.  I learned that managing stress isn't just about me; it impacts the whole team. Coaching helped me keep a level head, enhancing team performance and efficiency.  I've experienced a metamorphosis in my outlook. Positive thinking techniques and self-awareness exercises led to new clarity and growth.

Akber P. - Project Engineer at City of Surrey

We faced a lot of transitions in leadership, with new and emerging leaders stepping into bigger roles ...

I wanted an outside observer to guide us through new projects and strategic thinking.  The coaching sessions changed the game for me. I gained confidence and a stronger voice. Role plays allowed me to tackle concerns head-on and present ideas effectively. Now, I can portray my abilities with confidence.  My program aligns better with our organization's direction. I now think creatively, push boundaries, and explore new possibilities.

Grant K - Director @ CUPS Calgary

There were management and situational challenges along with a mix of other intertwined things like a ball of rubber bands ...

I came to you unsure of what to address, but we figured it out together over a few sessions. We inspected each issue separately rather than the big picture. This helped me identify the main issues. Thanks to our sessions, I gained deeper communication and repositioned myself. It was enlightening to have a dialogue about myself without having to talk to myself about it.

- Hussam T. - Team Lead @ Non-profit Economic Development Organization 

I explored challenges from new angles revealing solutions that align with my values...

Chris's coaching empowered my leadership journey. His effective style guided me through HR challenges and improved team dynamics. Thought-provoking questions fueled growth and meaningful solutions. Chris's supportiveness fostered confidence in decision-making.

Ruth M - Chief HR Officer @ Salvation Army


The transformation I underwent, from tunnel vision to a broader leadership perspective, has been nothing short of life-changing ...

Engaging with a coach with an engineering background brought a unique dynamic to our sessions. Chris understood the intricacies of my profession and the challenges I faced within it. This shared background allowed us to delve deeper into discussions directly related to my career, making the coaching experience more meaningful and relevant. 

Sina D. - Project Engineer @ The Boring Company

I've adopted a more systematic approach to organization and learned how to track my achievements effectively ...

I boosted my confidence, allowing me to engage with subject matter experts in my organization and industry. This has enhanced my professional development and networking skills.

Yoshinori C - Process Engineer @ Equinox Engineering

I suffered from getting lost in the daily demands of my job ...

I recognized that while I had an excellent idea for long-term growth, it would never become a reality unless I did something about it. Only 30 minutes once a week with Chris gave me the focus and direction I was looking for. Within four sessions with Chris, he had me clarify short and long-term goals and a blueprint for achieving them.

Bill G - Program Director @ Faculty of Graduate Studies University of Calgary

I can prioritize goals, trim the excess, and have a narrower, focused vision instead of a hectic, wild, free-for-all ...

I knew Chris' coaching was working well for me when most of the goals that were laid out were getting accomplished on time or early. Chris holds me to account for my dedication, time, and persistence. So, in actuality, it's become much harder, but I am saving time and being increasingly productive. 

Ryker R - Software Developer

I still find myself asking the question 'what does this goal look like with the governor off?' ...

The start to this year has been pretty challenging in ways I wasn’t tested last year - like now we have many more cross-functional partners in the mix requiring alignment, but I’ve been able to navigate it pretty well, or at least better than the past 😂.
My “passion” definitely still shows up to work 😁.
Thank you for your help and working with me! It honestly helped a lot, and I still find myself asking the question “what does this goal look like with the governor off?”. You’re a great coach!

Eliza B - Engineering Manager @ Reddit