About Our Executive Coaching Service

Engage in an intentional process to attain your outcomes.  Our executive coaching services can be used to obtain clarity, take action, develop a strategy, or reflect on your learning. Chris Lalchan, P.Eng, PCC, is dedicated to providing Executive coaching and leadership training services in Calgary to meet each client's unique needs and goals. Start a journey with us toward empowerment, growth, and lasting success.

Our Mission Book a Call

Our Approach to Executive Coaching


Personalized Assessments

We start with a complete evaluation to understand each client's unique strengths and areas for growth. This personalized approach in professional coaching ensures specific development strategies for your unique needs.

Goal Setting and Action Plans

We work closely with clients to define clear, achievable goals and create actionable plans. This cooperative process sets a clear direction and offers distinct targets for success.

Real-world Application

We emphasize on applying learned skills in real-world scenarios. This practical approach helps clients implement new strategies into their daily routines, ensuring lasting impact and benefits.

What Our Clients Say About Us

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"I suffered from getting lost in the daily demands of my job"

I recognized that while I had an excellent idea for long-term growth, it would never become a reality unless I did something about it. Only 30 minutes once a week with Chris gave me the focus and direction I was looking for. Within four sessions with Chris, he had me clarify short and long-term goals and a blueprint for achieving them.

-Bill G. Program Director, Faculty of Graduate Studies University of Calgary

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"My Transformation has been nothing short of life-changing"

The transformation I underwent, from tunnel vision to a broader leadership perspective, has been nothing short of life-changing! Engaging with a coach with an engineering background brought a unique dynamic to our sessions. Chris understood the intricacies of my profession and the challenges I faced within it. This shared background allowed us to delve deeper into discussions directly related to my career, making the coaching experience more meaningful and relevant.

-Sina D. Project Engineer, The Boring Company

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"In the two plus years that I have known Chris Lalchan, his coaching and advice have been truly influential in my life."

From mental fitness to my personal schedule, the guidance he offers, the resources he recommends, and the questions he asks are consistently spot-on.When I met Chris I was struggling with anxiety and a lack of self-confidence. These problems had plagued me for most of my adult life and seemed to be getting worse.Chris offered guidance in a group setting where members offered one another insight and mutual support.During the guided PQ practice I was able to actually focus on my breathing and quiet the storm of unwanted thoughts.Since starting to work with Chris, I have launched a new phase of my career and improved my relationships in all areas of my life.

-Jesse S. Smith

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is executive coaching?

Executive coaching is a development process for professionals that works on unlocking their potential, improving leadership skills and achieving personal goals.

2. How can executive coaching benefit me?

Executive coaching offers various benefits for you including personal growth, enhanced leadership skills, beneficial goal setting and achievement.

3. What qualifications should I look for in an executive coach?

Coaching certificates, relevant experience, good communication skills and personal compatibility are the main qualifications to look for in an executive coach.

4. How is executive coaching different from mentoring?

Coaching focuses on why one should do something or inspiring one to achieve one's goals while mentoring is to teach what and how to do something.

5. What is the typical duration of an executive coaching engagement?

A typical duration of an executive coaching engagement usually lasts from 3-12 months.

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