Executive Coaching

Engage in an intentional process to attain your outcomes.

Engage in a purposeful journey to achieve your desired outcomes. Executive coaching is designed to help you gain clarity, take decisive action, develop strategic plans, and reflect on your growth. Proven to be a highly effective form of professional and personal development, this process is ideal for those with significant motivation and expertise who seek a thought partner to collaborate creatively.

This offer is tailored for motivated and skilled professionals, including middle managers, technical directors, engineering managers, and VP-level technology officers, who aspire to enhance their clarity, strategy, and overall performance through a dynamic and supportive coaching process.

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Mentor Coaching

Mentor Coaching is designed for aspiring and experienced coaches looking to enhance their skills and align with the International Coaching Federation (ICF) core competencies. This process includes collaborative coaching and feedback based on observed or recorded sessions, fostering a supportive and appreciative dialogue to elevate your coaching capabilities.

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360 Feedback/forward Assessment

Ready to finally receive feedback that will REALLY be impactful?  You may be ready for a 360 degree assessment

Leaders today face increasing volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It is important for leaders to have insight into how others perceive their leadership and how that may differ from their perception of themselves. 360-degree assessments are used to gain insights into management behaviour quickly.

There are two types of 360-degree assessments I offer my clients 

A) Narrative 360 

B) Leadership Circle Profile


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Client Feedback

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"I can prioritize goals, trim the excess, and have a narrower, focused vision instead of a hectic, wild, free-for-all"

I knew Chris' coaching was working well for me when most of the goals that were laid out were getting accomplished on time or early. Chris holds me to account for my dedication, time, and persistence. So, in actuality, it's become much harder, but I am saving time and being increasingly productive. 

Ryker R - Software Developer

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"I still find myself asking the question 'what does this goal look like with the governor off?"

The start to this year has been pretty challenging in ways I wasn’t tested last year - like now we have many more cross-functional partners in the mix requiring alignment, but I’ve been able to navigate it pretty well, or at least better than the past.

My “passion” definitely still shows up to work! 

Thank you for your help and working with me! It honestly helped a lot, and I still find myself asking the question “what does this goal look like with the governor off?”. You’re a great coach!

-Eliza B - Engineering Manager @ Reddit



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